Highlights from the 2022 Ryan White Client-Level Data Report


Following are data highlights from the 2022 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Client-Level Data Report released December 1 on World AIDS Day:

  • Demographics: 566,846 individuals received services from RWHAP agencies. Nearly half of the patient population is over 50 years of age. A majority of RWHAP consumers are male (72.1%) and are from racial/ethnic minority groups (44.5%: Black/African American, 25.8%: White, 25.3%: Hispanic/Latino). Over half are living at or below 100% of the federal poverty level (58.6%). 
  • Viral Suppression: Overall: Rates have improved dramatically since the first RWHAP data report was released in 2010. Of the 367,846 receiving outpatient ambulatory health services (OAHS), 89.6% were virally suppressed. In contrast, nationally, 66% of people with HIV were virally suppressed.
  • Viral Suppression Rates for Specific RWHAP Client Populations: Viral suppression rates for gay/bisexual men were slightly higher than the overall figure (90.2%), while rates among racial/ethnic RWHAP client groups were near or above the overall rate (87.1% for Black/African American clients and 91.3% percent for Hispanic/Latino clients). Rates of viral suppression were lower for persons whose HIV diagnosis was associated with injection drug use (88.5%), transgender persons (86.4%), youth/young adults (83.8%), and those with temporary (84.1%) or unstable housing (77.9%). Rates also were lower than the overall rate for young gay/bisexual Black/African American men (83.0%) and young Black women (81.8%).

Access the infographic, 2022 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program By the Numbers (December 2023).

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