What if my client is a veteran and receives Veterans Administration (VA) services, and becomes eligible for Medicare?

What if my client is a veteran and receives Veterans Administration (VA) services, and becomes eligible for Medicare?

The Veterans Administration (VA) is an integrated health care system that offers a range of health care services to uniformed service members and veterans.

Individuals who receive VA services do not have to enroll in Medicare, and will not be charged a penalty for not doing so.

If a client is eligible for both Medicare and VA benefits, they are able to receive care under either program. However, the client must choose which program to use. For instance, if the client wants to use VA services, they must go to a VA facility or seek authorization from the VA to go to a non-VA facility. Medicare does not pay in this scenario. If the client goes to non-VA providers to seek care, then they may use their Medicare coverage.  

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