Cluster Responses in the South: Video Series

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A set of three videos, the Southern Region Cluster Detection and Response (CDR), presents a definition of HIV cluster outbreaks (interrelated cases attributable to, for example, social networks and geographic proximity) and steps jurisdictions can take to respond and manage them. The videos cover:

  • What is an HIV Cluster?
    How Do Southern HDs, CBOs, and Providers Respond to HIV Clusters?
    How Do Health Departments Detect HIV Clusters?

Future videos in the series include: 

  • What is HIV Surveillance Data and How Do Southern Health Departments Protect It?
  • How Does CDR Work Help End the HIV Epidemic in the South? 

See CDC's new HIV Cluster Detection Response Guidance for Health Departments, access  TAP-in Cluster Response resources, which are also included in our new search engine's resources on cluster outbreaks.

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