HRSA Funding Opportunity: HIV Prevention for Health Centers


HRSA has released a competitive funding announcement, Ending the HIV Epidemic – Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP), that will provide grants for as many as 150 Health Centers to expand their HIV prevention services. The funding is part of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative and builds upon earlier HRSA funding to support Health Center HIV prevention work.

Eligibility criteria are as follows: (1) Health Center Program operational (H80) grant award recipients under sections 330(e), (g), (h), and/or (i) of the Public Health Service Act; (2) have at least one operational service delivery site at a fixed address in one of the targeted geographical locations; and (3) did not receive any FY 2020 or FY201 PCHP award.

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