New EHE Fact Sheet: What's Been Accomplished


Activities carried out in recent years toward reaching 2025 goals of the nation's Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative are presented in Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.: Accomplishments, a June 2023 fact sheet. 

The fact sheet summarize work under the four EHE pillars. Examples include:

  • Treat: "In 2021, 302 HRSA BPHC EHE-funded Health Centers linked 86% of newly diagnosed HIV patients to care within 30 days."
  • Prevent: "In 2021, CDC health department grantees identified more than 140,000 HIV-negative people through testing efforts in EHE areas, of which 64% were screened for PrEP. Of those eligible for PrEP, 27% were prescribed PrEP."

Read's New EHE Fact Sheet Highlights Initiative Accomplishments

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