Can ADAPs help if the cost of care with a PTC and CSR is still unaffordable?

Can ADAPs help if the cost of care with a PTC and CSR is still unaffordable?

RWHAP funds may be used to cover any remaining portion of the client’s premium or out-of-pocket costs (i.e., copayments, deductibles, coinsurance). This additional assistance is available in many jurisdictions and you should contact the RWHAP recipient, including ADAP, in your state to learn more. For more information about the use of RWHAP funds for premium and cost-sharing assistance for the purchase and maintenance of private health insurance coverage, see HRSA/HAB Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) #18-01. For more information about the use of RWHAP funds to purchase health insurance for clients in the Marketplace and the reconciliation of advance premium tax credits, see HRSA/HAB Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) #14-01.

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