Implementing HIV Prevention at Ryan White-Affiliated Community Health Centers

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
National LGBT Health Education Center, The Fenway Institute
Kenneth Mayer, Alex Keuroghlian, Hugo Uzoeghelu

Preventing HIV with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a pillar of the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative. This session will explore PrEP implementation resources for health centers developed by the National LGBT Health Education Center at The Fenway Institute and prepare participants to use and adapt them to their organizations.

Learning Objectives

  1. Summarize the federal government’s Ending the HIV Epidemic plan and the current status of PrEP use in the United States.
  2. Describe how PrEP can be incorporated into care at a health center receiving Ryan White funding.
  3. Identify at least two resources that can aid PrEP implementation at health centers.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Population-Based Approaches for Improving Access, Engagement/Reengagement, and Health Outcomes

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