Patient and Provider Characteristics Associated with Disparities in Retention and Viral Suppression in Hawaii

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Hawaii State Department of Health
Fenfang Li, Timothy McCormick

Using data from HIV surveillance and Ryan White data systems, this study describes characteristics of and disparities in HIV care outcomes among main HIV care providers in Hawaii. Less optimal viral suppression and retention in care were observed among those under care of providers who infrequently provided HIV medical care.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn to use laboratory data from an HIV surveillance system to analyze and describe HIV care providers in attendees’ jurisdictions or counties.
  2. Identify which patient and provider characteristics need to be included when examining predictors associated with disparities in retention in care and viral suppression.
  3. Discuss strategies in the context of U=U to achieve sustainable viral suppression among persons in care are as important as engaging persons into care.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Data Utilization

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